I just had a wonderful visit with Jaime, who goes to my Sunday school class. She has three young children and works in accounting. I had heard through the grapevine that Jaime is an excellent manager of her time and very organized. Since I start my new job on Monday, I asked for her help. Here are some nuggets of wisdom I came away with:
1. Don't be a slave to your email's inbox. Set aside time to deal with email but don't let it dictate your day's "to do list." I thought this was especially helpful because I am addicted to email and check my personal email constantly. DH (dear husband) says I have an email monkey on my back.
2. Schedule the important things. For me, this means my quiet time in the morning and my new found respect for exercise. The QT will be easier than the exercise. I don't know if I can squeeze in exercise time in the morning as well.
3. Don't be afraid to work hard. I liked this one, and I needed to hear it. Thank you, Jaime.
OK, all you hard working people out there! What is your advice on managing your work day efficiently? At my new job, I will have billable hours so I need to be really productive and efficient with my time to meet my goals. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
4 years ago
I'm sure he borrowed it from someone else, but my dad has always reminded me of this: "Don't let the urgent crowd out the important."
I actually have it up on my monitor at work. Just b/c a "hot" email is someone ELSE'S priority doesn't automatically make it yours as well.
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