In my Sunday school class, we are doing a series on the book, "Love and Respect." It's a class for young married couples. So the book is based on the following verse:
"However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." Ephesians 5:33
We just started the series but I think the premise is that in a marriage, women need to feel loved and men need to feel respected.
Is this really true? Are we really hard wired as males and females to need respect and love, respectively? What is respect? Do women value love over respect?
If you live in the area, Ben and I are starting a small group focused on marriage on Sunday evenings at the church. We'll be digging deeper into this book and trying to find answers to my questions. Email me if you are interested in joining our small group!
4 years ago
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