I just ate a garlic chicken pizza roll, drank half a diet Coke and 1 cup of coffee with two pieces of chocolate. I'm exhausted. The caffiene has not kicked in. I had court this morning, which went well. Our client is really nice Christian guy.
OH - my big toes are starting to go numb! Is this a bad sign? I wonder if it is from the working out/running. I have a good pair of running shoes. But I have been wearing heels more at work. It's really disconcerting when you can't feel your big toe. I have a scheduled doctor's appt in 23 days. Has this happened to anyone else? I have stopped wearing heels and reduced the workouts but the 5k is in a month. I hope it is not some weird autoimmune disease.....or leprosy. You know, that's how leprosy starts. You lose feeling in your extremities.
4 years ago
Run Julie Run....I'm so proud of you. You have to let me know how the 5K goes. The whole golf thing is funny b/c Tommy so wants me to enjoy/play golf with him but I get tired after just a couple of holes...I think it is because I'm hitting the ball about 4 times the amount that he is =)
Hey Jerissa!
It just takes practice. Go to the driving range (with all that free time that you have! :)
You would be surprised at how much you'll improve with practice. I'm surprised by how much I like golf. Weird. We go to the range about three times a week.
Should I be worried about my toes? I am taking a break from running this week.
How is Emma and work going?
You are cracking me up with the leprosy thing! You do not have leprosy! Where would you have picked it up? Who exactly have you been hanging out with? ;)
I did have a pair of running shoes that the "expert" in the store helped me pick out that makes a part of my foot go numb. But once I take them off, it's fine.
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