In one month, Ben and I will be running a 5k at our church. They are raising money to drill water wells in Africa. If you want to join us, we are getting a team together.
I had a goal of running a 5k before Christmas so this is excellent timing. Then, I'd like to run a 10K in the spring and (gasp!) a marathon a year from now. Maybe I should fit a half marathon in there some where.
Is anyone else tired of the HSM3 commercials? Ugh.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Running a 5k
Posted by Julie at 2:15 PM 0 comments
My Golfing Update
I am really surprised by how much I enjoy golf. I use to think it was really boring and could not understand why anyone would watch golf on TV. All of that has changed now. Ben and I went to the driving range Wednesday and Friday evening and this afternoon.
I must say that I have improved remarkably since starting about a month ago. I am still pretty bad but I do see improvement each time I go to the driving. My swing has improved. The ball still doesn't make the 100 yard mark but it's going past 50. Ben wonders if it is because I don't have much upper body strength. I don't get blisters on my hands anymore but I do wear gloves on each hand.
Why I enjoy golf:
1. It's something Ben and I can do together.
2. It's easier to hit something stationary than something moving.
3. It's fun.
4. My father-in-law loves golf so it is something we can do together with him.
5. Some day I would like to play golf at courses around the world.
Posted by Julie at 1:37 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Busy weekend up ahead.........
I woke up this morning feeling angry. Does that happen to anyone else? I had a bad dream or a dream that upset me in the middle of the night. And I can't remember what it was about. Weird.
It's Friday but I woke up wishing it was Saturday. But then I had some Diet Coke and now I feel better. :)
So. This weekend is chock full of fun activities!
Saturday: Maybe a golf clinic, attending possibly my last belly dancing class (because we might take up country western dance lessons), girls' shopping trip to pick up a new suit at the Galleria (Ben has been relieved of shopping duty this weekend), and then dinner with friends from church.
Sunday: Church, brunch at Sunday school, and then the movie "FireProof," and then dinner with friends or going to see my brother.
I really need to fit a nap somewhere in there.
Posted by Julie at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My favorite TV show
Tomorrow night is the season premier of "The Office!"
Posted by Julie at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Prayer requests
Hey Bloggy friends,
I need some prayer. There's a lot going on and this is very shortened version of my prayer requests. I'd really appreciate prayer for a stronger walk with God, wisdom and discernment when giving advice to others, to not be so materalistic, and guidance for Ben and myself in decisions that need to be made.
Thank you very much. I appreciate your prayers so much because I know that they make a difference.
I'd also love to be praying for you. Send me an email!
Posted by Julie at 9:51 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Joy Williams' Here with Us
I heard this song on the radio this morning and thought the chorus was beautiful. What do you think?
Posted by Julie at 6:31 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
What I am learning at work
Pot smokers who have a fast metabolism are less likely to get caught with a urine test.
The more you weigh, the longer the drugs are detectable in your body because the drugs adhere to fat cells (another reason to work out.)
Hair grows an average of half an inch per month. Four inches of one strand of hair can show drug use as far back as eight months. The portion of the hair closest to the scalp would contain drugs recently used and the end of the hair would contain drugs from an earlier date.
So my PSA for the day: Just say no to drugs!
Posted by Julie at 4:27 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Cardiosculpt or lack thereof
There's a gym at work, and I am actually using it. From prior posts, you will remember that I am hardly athletic, and today it showed. I went to a cardiosculpt class during lunch. The instructor ate my lunch.
She was quite the drill sergeant. There were weights and a step thingy and squats. Lots of squats and Vanilla Ice. My legs feel like Jello. Then, about 20 minutes into it, she told us to run up the stairs of this like 20 story building.
I started up the stairs and then didn't return to class. OK, not really. I did three flights and then returned to class. I told her I just had my wisdom teeth extracted and she let me go. But seriously, drill sergeants should never let their troops out of their sight. They will likely mutiny. I think two other girls left early after me.
I did go use the elliptical for ten minutes afterwards. So there is my cardio for the day.
And tonight is date night with DH. I love date night. It is so much fun. Tuesday just doesn't feel like Tuesday without date night. We will be watching "Burn after Reading." I am trying to keep my expectations low. Movies always turn out better when you do that.
Last note: "The Women" was AWFUL. Truly awful. That's all you need to know. You have been warned.
Posted by Julie at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Reminiscent of New England........
This post is for all of our friends in New England.........
I thought of you all this morning as I pulled on a sweatshirt and pants. I got up this morning and it was COLD. According to the Weatherbug at 6am, it is 59 degrees. After such a long, hot summer, it is so odd to wake up a little chilled. Of course, it's only because a hurricane came through recently. I am sure we'll have a few more hot days before fall.
I hope you Bostonians all have fun apple picking, pumpkin picking, leaf peeping, lobster baking, toes freezing, snow shoveling, noses running fall/winter. Ben and I will post pictures of us playing golf in December instead of bundled in eight layers of winter clothing. I will not miss looking perpetually pregnant during the winter.
Go to LA Burdick's at Harvard Square and have a delicious cup of thick, rich, melt in your mouth hot chocolate for me. You can buy some of their hot chocolate but it is no where near as good as them making it for you.
Off to find some cocoa...........
Posted by Julie at 6:30 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Best Husband Ever
Because he made me a chocolate cake and cleaned the kitchen!! I adore chocolate in any shape or form.
DH is not cook or baker by any stretch of the imagination. He has a limited repetoire that he does very well:
1. Chocolate chip pancakes
2. Garlic Lemon Pepper pork chops
3. BBQ
4. And now..........this amazingly delicious chocolate cake.
After I had pureed soup, I had a slice of really soft, made from scratch, moist chocolate cake made by my sweet and caring husband! This cake was way better than the cake mixes in a box.
Posted by Julie at 8:12 PM 1 comments
And I'm back!!
My teeth were extracted about two hours ago. I have napped for a bit and am now quite lucid but still pretty numb. I have never enjoyed the numbness of novacaine. I like being able to feel my lips and mouth - call me weird that way.
I am assuming the pain will be coming soon - after the novocaine wears off. The dentist was pretty good.
Apparently, I am smart and with it even after immediately coming off the IV sedation. I kept asking Ben and the dentist if certain tasks had been completed. I don't remember asking those questions but I guess even my subconscious is anal. Hahaha!
I seem to have worn Ben out. He's next to me asleep. But he has taken good care of me so far. He bought me meds, lactose free fudge bars, a DVD, and made me Jello. And changed the gauze in my mouth. TMI. Sorry.
Posted by Julie at 2:46 PM 0 comments
And I'm off......
to the dentist!
No food or liquids until after the extraction, which shall be around 1pm. I am going to be starving!!!
I wanted to say thanks to everyone for their encouraging words and sound advice. Thank you so very much. It meant a lot to me and made me feel less nervous.
It's terrible having to go to the dentist when one of your cases at work involves a scary dentist on drugs. Luckily, DH will be in the room with me while I am being sedated.
It will be a low key weekend. But yesterday, I took a Zumba class - which is a dance aerobic class - at the gym at work. It's a bit of salsa and other Latin dances. It was fun but let's just say I am not the most graceful person in the class!
If you don't hear from me for a while, hopefully it's just because I am a lazy blogger and the dentist didn't kill me.
Sorry. That was morbid.
Posted by Julie at 7:08 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Belly Dancing
Tonight I just finished my second dance lesson in belly dancing! It is a ton of fun and VERY hard. I have a hip scarf with the little coins. It's amazing how your abs don't always do what you want them to do.
It's a very neat class. And did you know that the intermediate class dances with swords? How cool is that???
It's a good workout for your abs. I would totally recommend belly dancing classes! At first it sounds a little exotic and strange, but it is incredibly difficult and once mastered, it's quite an art form.
Then, next Friday, DH and I are taking country western dance lessons!
Posted by Julie at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Golfing injuries
Who knew? I can barely type because of a blister on my middle finger from hitting balls on the driving range. I'll have to wear gloves on both hands from now on. I messed up my left hand the last time. But I am really enjoying it.
I am a very bad golfer but luckily my father-in-law use to coach golf.
Posted by Julie at 10:00 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
A belated birthday surprise.......
Wisdom teeth extractions!!! I can't wait; how fun!
Next Friday, I get my wisdom teeth removed from my head. I will have IV sedation. Any advice on how to make the procedure go smoothly and the recovery time quick?
Posted by Julie at 11:36 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
My birthday week
Before I turned 28, I...
1. Shot a gun (and no one got hurt)
2. Worked on my golf swing (I got hurt)
The day I turned 28, I...
1. Ran a mile (without stopping)
The day after I turned 28, I...
1. Bought a Coach purse.
It has been a good birthday! But Age is quite relative. At work, I feel really young. With my friends, I feel rather old. Most of my friends my age have children. With DH, I feel VERY young. We really are little kids at heart and have so much fun together.
On my birthday, my mom found a white hair on my head and pulled it out. Thanks, mom.
Posted by Julie at 8:11 PM 4 comments