It has been a busy Thanksgiving! I am thankful to have gotten off work early on Wednesday and came home and baked banana oatmeal cookies, two strawberry pies, and chocolate peanut butter Rice Krispies! (Doesn't that sound like Thanksgiving?!)
Then, we ate some great chicken fajitas with a friend at Uncle Julio's and then, we got to do something really cool. My friend is a pilot and he took us to a flight simulation place where pilots train on business jets. Flying a jet is much harder than it looks. And the simulation was really neat. Technology today is amazing. We crashed into an aircraft carrier and it felt so real that I had to close my eyes. It was a great way to kick off Thanksgiving!
On Thursday morning, we drove to Ben's parents and stuffed ourselves with all sorts of goodness. Then, we watched two football games. That is a lot of football!!!
Then, on Friday, we drove to my parents. We did a little Christmas shopping and then ate more good food. After taking a nap, we went to visit my Grandmother and then went fishing! (I got some running in both days.)
And now, we are back home and about to head to the Advent service at our church. This weekend, I will write up our Christmas newsletter and do some more shopping.
I am thankful for family, friends, and food! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Posted by Julie at 5:49 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My First 5K
Ben and I have completed our first 5k!!! It was so much fun. I actually didn't think I would be running it because my knees and feet have been in bad shape AND I got a pedicure this week that drew blood. Yeah. Not fun.
But once we got to the run, I felt pretty good and ran the whole distance!! I ran very slowly but I was super excited to finish the whole thing!
Ben did a super job. There were some very small hills but you really do feel them towards the end!
I think we are going to do another 5K at Christmas downtown. I am amazed by others who run longer distance!
Posted by Julie at 5:27 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Cooking (New Recipes)
I really enjoy cooking but haven't gotten to do it much lately. However, this has been a big week in cooking.
I started off with this Apple Crisp (from It turned out really well. It's a great fall dessert.
Apple Crisp
10 cups all-purpose apples, peeled, cored and sliced
1 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup water
1 cup quick-cooking oats
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup butter, melted
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degree C).
Place the sliced apples in a 9x13 inch pan. Mix the white sugar, 1 tablespoon flour and ground cinnamon together, and sprinkle over apples. Pour water evenly over all.
Combine the oats, 1 cup flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda and melted butter together. Crumble evenly over the apple mixture.
Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for about 45 minutes.
And right now, baking in my oven is a Chocolate Cobbler, which reminds me of the chocolate molten lava cake because there is a chocolate sauce underneath the cakey top layer. This recipe also came from (Update: This turned out just OK.)
6 tablespoons butter
1 cup self-rising flour
3/4 cup white sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup white sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 cups boiling water
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Melt butter in an 8x8 inch baking dish while the oven preheats.
In a medium bowl, stir together the flour, 3/4 cup sugar, and 1 1/2 tablespoons cocoa. Stir in milk and vanilla until smooth. Spoon this batter over the melted butter in the baking dish.
Stir together the remaining cup of sugar and 1/4 cup cocoa powder. Sprinkle over the batter. Slowly pour boiling water over the top of the mixture.
Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven, until set. Serve slightly warm with ice cream.
I am also baking these granola bars from
Chewy Granola Bars (this tasted like an oatmeal cookie.)
4 ½ cups oats
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extract
½ cup butter
2/3 cup lite corn syrup
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
2 cups chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Lightly grease on 9x13” pan. In a large mixing bowl, mix together all of the ingredients (minus the chocolate chips). Stir in chocolate chips. Press into pan & bake for 18-22 minutes. Let cool for ten minutes, and then cut into bars.
And Ben gets lemon pepper garlic pork chops for lunch this week!
Posted by Julie at 7:39 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Joys and Pains of Running
Who knew that getting into shape would be so hard on the body? :)
So the big toes going numb was from wearing the wrong heels. I went out looking for flats and almost bought some Jimmy Choo flats. But I just couldn't do it. Jimmy Choos must be heels (in my mind) and I don't want Jimmy Choo to cause my feet to go numb so we'll wait and see. They need to be open toe or a square toe and that might be hard to find with Jimmy Choo. The feeling is slowly returning to my toes.
But I last week I finally ran two miles on the elliptical and somehow hurt my leg. I thought at first it was shin splints but now it's just a pain below the knee cap for the past four days. Arggh. If it's not one thing, it is something else.
But I did notice that I lost some weight after running two miles. And today, at church, I ran into a friend who is training for a marathon. She had just finished a 16 mile run yesterday and oddly enough, her arms were very toned! I asked if she had been working on her arms and she said, "No, it was from the running." The running caused the fat to melt away and her arms looked amazing. I was very impressed that she hadn't been doing any weights and that the running caused her arms to look so lean. Interesting.
The 5K is Nov. 1st. I kinda doubt I'll be ready. My goal was to increase my mileage by .5 miles a week; I'm a little behind due to the numb toes and sore knee. So we'll see.
So my running friends, how do you prevent injuries from running? I have good running shoes, Asics for pronating and have an orthotic. What type of stretches do you do? Do you stretch before running or just afterwards?
Posted by Julie at 8:42 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
This came on TV two nights ago and it was hilarious! It was Saturday Night Live, Weekend Update Thursday. I love this guy yelling about the economy and saying, "FIX IT! When I wake up tomorrow morning, it better be FIXED!"
The funny part starts 2 minutes into the clip so move the cursor to about 2:10 to get to my favorite part.
Sometimes if you yell enough, you can make things happen. :)
Posted by Julie at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Beta Fish
I have a beta fish in my office. He's red. He looks a lot like this:
I am starting to get worried about him. I have had him for about a month now.
He spends a lot of the time resting at the bottom of his bowl. It's like he's resting. It's a little odd. He seems to be a bit sluggish at times. Maybe he's bored.
One co-worker likes to come in and give him kisses. Another colleague likes to get him riled up and agitated. And I've been forgetting to feed him lately. Work has been busy. Poor fish.
I think people in the office are taking bets on how long my fish will live.
Posted by Julie at 4:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Love and Respect
In my Sunday school class, we are doing a series on the book, "Love and Respect." It's a class for young married couples. So the book is based on the following verse:
"However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." Ephesians 5:33
We just started the series but I think the premise is that in a marriage, women need to feel loved and men need to feel respected.
Is this really true? Are we really hard wired as males and females to need respect and love, respectively? What is respect? Do women value love over respect?
If you live in the area, Ben and I are starting a small group focused on marriage on Sunday evenings at the church. We'll be digging deeper into this book and trying to find answers to my questions. Email me if you are interested in joining our small group!
Posted by Julie at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
And the winner of the debate.......
is Sarah Palin!
Didn't she look amazing?
I loved her suit. It was perfect. I wonder what kind of shoes she was wearing.
Yes, this is very superficial. (Just so you know, I read the Economist and the Wall Street Journal regularly.)
She made Joe Biden look 190 years old. And when he smiled at her (when they had the dual shots of them on the TV), did it look like he was leering at her?
I don't think this vice presidential debate is going to change the election (unless you vote for Ben.) I think Sarah Palin did a great job. She was a little nervous at the beginning but after she got warmed up, she did just fine.
I would agree with the commentators - that they both walked away "winners." Or at least, there was not a clear loser.
I thought it was sweet when she held her baby after the debate was over. I can't believe that she just had a child recently. She looked amazing.
I am a Sarah Palin fan. But I'm voting for Ben.
PS: I had to laugh when an ExxonMobil commercial came on after the debate. They got pretty bashed during the debate.
Posted by Julie at 9:37 PM 1 comments
VOTE for....
Do you know who you are voting for in November?
Does the economy have you worried?
Both Barak and McCain voted for the bailout.
You should vote for Ben.
He's the perfect write-in candidate.
"If you don't play, you can't win." --Ben
Vote for Ben.
Ben always votes for himself because he'd hate to lose by one vote.
Posted by Julie at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Numb toes
I just ate a garlic chicken pizza roll, drank half a diet Coke and 1 cup of coffee with two pieces of chocolate. I'm exhausted. The caffiene has not kicked in. I had court this morning, which went well. Our client is really nice Christian guy.
OH - my big toes are starting to go numb! Is this a bad sign? I wonder if it is from the working out/running. I have a good pair of running shoes. But I have been wearing heels more at work. It's really disconcerting when you can't feel your big toe. I have a scheduled doctor's appt in 23 days. Has this happened to anyone else? I have stopped wearing heels and reduced the workouts but the 5k is in a month. I hope it is not some weird autoimmune disease.....or leprosy. You know, that's how leprosy starts. You lose feeling in your extremities.
Posted by Julie at 1:31 PM 3 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Running a 5k
In one month, Ben and I will be running a 5k at our church. They are raising money to drill water wells in Africa. If you want to join us, we are getting a team together.
I had a goal of running a 5k before Christmas so this is excellent timing. Then, I'd like to run a 10K in the spring and (gasp!) a marathon a year from now. Maybe I should fit a half marathon in there some where.
Is anyone else tired of the HSM3 commercials? Ugh.
Posted by Julie at 2:15 PM 0 comments
My Golfing Update
I am really surprised by how much I enjoy golf. I use to think it was really boring and could not understand why anyone would watch golf on TV. All of that has changed now. Ben and I went to the driving range Wednesday and Friday evening and this afternoon.
I must say that I have improved remarkably since starting about a month ago. I am still pretty bad but I do see improvement each time I go to the driving. My swing has improved. The ball still doesn't make the 100 yard mark but it's going past 50. Ben wonders if it is because I don't have much upper body strength. I don't get blisters on my hands anymore but I do wear gloves on each hand.
Why I enjoy golf:
1. It's something Ben and I can do together.
2. It's easier to hit something stationary than something moving.
3. It's fun.
4. My father-in-law loves golf so it is something we can do together with him.
5. Some day I would like to play golf at courses around the world.
Posted by Julie at 1:37 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Busy weekend up ahead.........
I woke up this morning feeling angry. Does that happen to anyone else? I had a bad dream or a dream that upset me in the middle of the night. And I can't remember what it was about. Weird.
It's Friday but I woke up wishing it was Saturday. But then I had some Diet Coke and now I feel better. :)
So. This weekend is chock full of fun activities!
Saturday: Maybe a golf clinic, attending possibly my last belly dancing class (because we might take up country western dance lessons), girls' shopping trip to pick up a new suit at the Galleria (Ben has been relieved of shopping duty this weekend), and then dinner with friends from church.
Sunday: Church, brunch at Sunday school, and then the movie "FireProof," and then dinner with friends or going to see my brother.
I really need to fit a nap somewhere in there.
Posted by Julie at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My favorite TV show
Tomorrow night is the season premier of "The Office!"
Posted by Julie at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Prayer requests
Hey Bloggy friends,
I need some prayer. There's a lot going on and this is very shortened version of my prayer requests. I'd really appreciate prayer for a stronger walk with God, wisdom and discernment when giving advice to others, to not be so materalistic, and guidance for Ben and myself in decisions that need to be made.
Thank you very much. I appreciate your prayers so much because I know that they make a difference.
I'd also love to be praying for you. Send me an email!
Posted by Julie at 9:51 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Joy Williams' Here with Us
I heard this song on the radio this morning and thought the chorus was beautiful. What do you think?
Posted by Julie at 6:31 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
What I am learning at work
Pot smokers who have a fast metabolism are less likely to get caught with a urine test.
The more you weigh, the longer the drugs are detectable in your body because the drugs adhere to fat cells (another reason to work out.)
Hair grows an average of half an inch per month. Four inches of one strand of hair can show drug use as far back as eight months. The portion of the hair closest to the scalp would contain drugs recently used and the end of the hair would contain drugs from an earlier date.
So my PSA for the day: Just say no to drugs!
Posted by Julie at 4:27 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Cardiosculpt or lack thereof
There's a gym at work, and I am actually using it. From prior posts, you will remember that I am hardly athletic, and today it showed. I went to a cardiosculpt class during lunch. The instructor ate my lunch.
She was quite the drill sergeant. There were weights and a step thingy and squats. Lots of squats and Vanilla Ice. My legs feel like Jello. Then, about 20 minutes into it, she told us to run up the stairs of this like 20 story building.
I started up the stairs and then didn't return to class. OK, not really. I did three flights and then returned to class. I told her I just had my wisdom teeth extracted and she let me go. But seriously, drill sergeants should never let their troops out of their sight. They will likely mutiny. I think two other girls left early after me.
I did go use the elliptical for ten minutes afterwards. So there is my cardio for the day.
And tonight is date night with DH. I love date night. It is so much fun. Tuesday just doesn't feel like Tuesday without date night. We will be watching "Burn after Reading." I am trying to keep my expectations low. Movies always turn out better when you do that.
Last note: "The Women" was AWFUL. Truly awful. That's all you need to know. You have been warned.
Posted by Julie at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Reminiscent of New England........
This post is for all of our friends in New England.........
I thought of you all this morning as I pulled on a sweatshirt and pants. I got up this morning and it was COLD. According to the Weatherbug at 6am, it is 59 degrees. After such a long, hot summer, it is so odd to wake up a little chilled. Of course, it's only because a hurricane came through recently. I am sure we'll have a few more hot days before fall.
I hope you Bostonians all have fun apple picking, pumpkin picking, leaf peeping, lobster baking, toes freezing, snow shoveling, noses running fall/winter. Ben and I will post pictures of us playing golf in December instead of bundled in eight layers of winter clothing. I will not miss looking perpetually pregnant during the winter.
Go to LA Burdick's at Harvard Square and have a delicious cup of thick, rich, melt in your mouth hot chocolate for me. You can buy some of their hot chocolate but it is no where near as good as them making it for you.
Off to find some cocoa...........
Posted by Julie at 6:30 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Best Husband Ever
Because he made me a chocolate cake and cleaned the kitchen!! I adore chocolate in any shape or form.
DH is not cook or baker by any stretch of the imagination. He has a limited repetoire that he does very well:
1. Chocolate chip pancakes
2. Garlic Lemon Pepper pork chops
3. BBQ
4. And now..........this amazingly delicious chocolate cake.
After I had pureed soup, I had a slice of really soft, made from scratch, moist chocolate cake made by my sweet and caring husband! This cake was way better than the cake mixes in a box.
Posted by Julie at 8:12 PM 1 comments
And I'm back!!
My teeth were extracted about two hours ago. I have napped for a bit and am now quite lucid but still pretty numb. I have never enjoyed the numbness of novacaine. I like being able to feel my lips and mouth - call me weird that way.
I am assuming the pain will be coming soon - after the novocaine wears off. The dentist was pretty good.
Apparently, I am smart and with it even after immediately coming off the IV sedation. I kept asking Ben and the dentist if certain tasks had been completed. I don't remember asking those questions but I guess even my subconscious is anal. Hahaha!
I seem to have worn Ben out. He's next to me asleep. But he has taken good care of me so far. He bought me meds, lactose free fudge bars, a DVD, and made me Jello. And changed the gauze in my mouth. TMI. Sorry.
Posted by Julie at 2:46 PM 0 comments
And I'm off......
to the dentist!
No food or liquids until after the extraction, which shall be around 1pm. I am going to be starving!!!
I wanted to say thanks to everyone for their encouraging words and sound advice. Thank you so very much. It meant a lot to me and made me feel less nervous.
It's terrible having to go to the dentist when one of your cases at work involves a scary dentist on drugs. Luckily, DH will be in the room with me while I am being sedated.
It will be a low key weekend. But yesterday, I took a Zumba class - which is a dance aerobic class - at the gym at work. It's a bit of salsa and other Latin dances. It was fun but let's just say I am not the most graceful person in the class!
If you don't hear from me for a while, hopefully it's just because I am a lazy blogger and the dentist didn't kill me.
Sorry. That was morbid.
Posted by Julie at 7:08 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Belly Dancing
Tonight I just finished my second dance lesson in belly dancing! It is a ton of fun and VERY hard. I have a hip scarf with the little coins. It's amazing how your abs don't always do what you want them to do.
It's a very neat class. And did you know that the intermediate class dances with swords? How cool is that???
It's a good workout for your abs. I would totally recommend belly dancing classes! At first it sounds a little exotic and strange, but it is incredibly difficult and once mastered, it's quite an art form.
Then, next Friday, DH and I are taking country western dance lessons!
Posted by Julie at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Golfing injuries
Who knew? I can barely type because of a blister on my middle finger from hitting balls on the driving range. I'll have to wear gloves on both hands from now on. I messed up my left hand the last time. But I am really enjoying it.
I am a very bad golfer but luckily my father-in-law use to coach golf.
Posted by Julie at 10:00 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
A belated birthday surprise.......
Wisdom teeth extractions!!! I can't wait; how fun!
Next Friday, I get my wisdom teeth removed from my head. I will have IV sedation. Any advice on how to make the procedure go smoothly and the recovery time quick?
Posted by Julie at 11:36 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
My birthday week
Before I turned 28, I...
1. Shot a gun (and no one got hurt)
2. Worked on my golf swing (I got hurt)
The day I turned 28, I...
1. Ran a mile (without stopping)
The day after I turned 28, I...
1. Bought a Coach purse.
It has been a good birthday! But Age is quite relative. At work, I feel really young. With my friends, I feel rather old. Most of my friends my age have children. With DH, I feel VERY young. We really are little kids at heart and have so much fun together.
On my birthday, my mom found a white hair on my head and pulled it out. Thanks, mom.
Posted by Julie at 8:11 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Healthy Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Muffins!
Stephanie brought blueberry oatmeal muffins last week to Bible study. They were delicious! She is an excellent cook. After I had her muffins, I had to make some of my own. I found this recipe at That site is my favorite recipe website. I love the reviews of what other people have done. It helps to cut back on my own mistakes.
This is healthier version of the recipe listed on the website. It's pretty healthy and a versatile recipe so you could tweak it to make it even healthier!! They turned out really well. But they were a little dry the next day.
* 1 cup soy or regular milk
* 1 cup quick cooking oats or rolled oats
* 1/4 cup honey (or a little less)
* 1 cup dried cranberries
* 1 egg
* 1/4 cup vegetable or canola oil
* 1/2 cup all-purpose white flour
* 1/2 cup wheat flour
* 1/4 cup white sugar
* 1/4 cup brown sugar
* 2 teaspoons baking powder
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
* 1 cup dark chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Grease muffin cups or line with paper muffin liners. (Tip: Grind up half of the oats in the food processor. This gives the muffins a bit of a crunch. This is a Stephanie trick.)
2. In a small bowl, combine milk, honey, cranberries, vanilla, and all of the oats; let soak for 15 minutes.
3. In a separate bowl, beat together egg and oil; stir in oatmeal mixture. In a third bowl, sift together flour, sugar, cinnamon, baking powder and salt. Stir flour mixture into wet ingredients, just until combined. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups until cups are 2/3 full.
4. Bake in preheated oven for 20 to 22 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean.
You can omit the oil all together (some of the reviews on the site did this) or replace with applesauce. I have not tried this. Many people added mashed bananas or blueberries. You can do a LOT with this recipe!
So I added chocolate and cranberries. What would be your favorite ingredients to add?
Posted by Julie at 8:17 AM 1 comments
Labels: Yummy Recipes
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Don't get ripped off by funeral homes
Because I am weird and I like to save money............
Here is something you need to know from Thrifty Mommy's blog:
"My grandmother has been gone for a few months now and I have been thinking about death and how expensive it can be. I couldn’t get over how much everything costs. I ran across a great article from Bankrate about the 10 things funeral directors don’t want you to know. I thought I would share them with you. The number one thing, after having been involved with planning a funeral on my husband’s side in recent years, is to pre plan your own funeral and don’t leave that stress to your kids. Here are the top10 things they don’t want you to know but now you do.
1. Shop around. Don’t just go to the first funeral home you find on the street.
2. Funeral Directors are out to make money. They are not pastors.
3. Embalming is not required if your loved one is buried within 24-48 hours.
4. You can see your loved one before embalming with no regrets.
5. Sealed caskets don’t protect your loved one any better than a non sealed casket.
6. Funeral homes can NOT charge you or deny you if you bought a casket somewhere else. It’s a law.
7. A modest casket can cost around $400-$600 not $4000 - $6000.
8. Don’t blindly sign on for the “bundle services”.
9. The funeral home doesn’t have to have a corner market on funeral services. You can do some of it on your home computer and at other locations.
10. Check out local funeral societies for better negotiating capabilities.
I had no idea about #7 and # 10. Just thought you might like to know some of the best ways to cut down on funeral expenses."
Posted by Julie at 3:49 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Marriage Conference
DH and I are headed to a marriage conference soon! I am very excited. Even though we've been married for five years and dated since high school, I think it is always good to go to marriage conferences and be refreshed! Marriage is work, even if you are married to your best friend (which I am!). So I am sure that I will have interesting things to write about after the conference!
Stay tuned!!!
Posted by Julie at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Tools for overcoming worry and fear
I taught in my Sunday School class this past weekend. It was a very interesting experience. I have a lot of new found respect for the people who do this every weekend. It is much harder than it looks!
Here is the text of my message:
Today, we will be talking about the worries and fears in our lives and what we can do about them.
First, what do we worry about or what do we fear?
You may fear failure, or poor health, or upsetting your spouse. You may worry about not being in control or having enough money. You may worry about your loved ones, especially your children.
The question is what do you do with that fear or worry? Do you let it drive you? Do you let the fear make decisions for you? Do you do everything in your power to keep that fear from happening? Does fear dictate how you live?
Fear and worry is insidious and a favorite tool of satan. Fear hinders relationships and holds us back from living the life that God desires. Living with fear is like walking around with a ball and chain attached to your leg (and no, I am not talking about your spouse.) The weight of that ball and chain of fear depends on who you are. Some of us are lugging around the 10 pound ball while others are so bogged down that they can’t even move.
I want to tell you about a time when I was bogged down with fear. It was probably a 50 pound weight ball and chain; pretty heavy. It was during law school. In law school, professors like to use a particular teaching method. It was cold calling. This is where you have to really study the case or homework that has been assigned for that day and when you get to class the professor calls on random students to discuss the case. So instead of the professor lecturing about the case, like they do in college, all of your learning and notes come from what other students say. And the professor guides the discussion by throwing out questions. Some professors are nice about it but some professors are not.
My constitutional professor was NOT. Professor Maclin was notorious for making students cry if they didn’t have the right answer. So in front of 75 of your peers, he could reduce you to a pile of rubble if you said the wrong thing. Everyone was terrified of him; well most everyone. So everyday, I wanted in anxious anticipation for my name to be called. Then, one day, I hear him call on me: WHAT HAPPENED IN BROWN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION? And I almost passed out. No not really. I can’t even remember what happened after that. I must have blocked out. But I am pretty sure I did not cry. All I remember is for a semester, day in and day out. I carried this 50 pound weight of fear with me. I feared failure, I feared what my classmates and professors would think of me. It was a difficult existence.
DISCUSSION question for your group: What do you fear? What do you worry about?
So what is the point to this story. It is an illustration of how I did not handle fear very well at that time. I didn’t implement the following steps that we’ll be discussing soon.
But before we get to those steps, I just want to mention that there is a healthy fear and the type of fear that you should have in your life. That is the fear of the Lord; which is a whole other message. But I will leave you with Proverbs 9:10, which says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
How do we deal with that fear that is unhealthy? People will often say, “You need to turn that over to God.” And that’s true! And today we are going to put feet to that saying and find a practical way of turning our worries and fears over to God.
What I have noticed in my own life is that a fear or worry sneaks into my mind and begins to take root, meaning whatever the fear is, I start to dwell on it. I begin to give it a lot of mental attention and feed it; and then that fear begins to grow. It’s a lot like a weed. And I keep feeding it and dwelling on it because I WANT TO FIX THE PROBLEM. Ah ha. We feed the fear because we want to be in control of our lives. We want to make sure we don’t fail or that our children are always protected.
So there are two things we need to do here; this is the application.
1. We immediately need to submit that fear to God in prayer.
2. We need to replace that fear “weed” with Scripture.
So first all of, we have to relinquish control to God. Ultimately, we need to accept that we have very little control over our lives and what happens. God is in control of your marriage. God is in control of your health. God is in control of your job. God is watching over your children.
Now believing this is much harder than me standing up and saying it.
I have to submit to God things I want to control on a daily basis, if not hourly. I can pray in the morning about a situation and by 10am be worried about that same problem again. Then, I stress and then I try to harder to fix the situation. But what I should do is at 10:01 am, I need to resubmit my thoughts and fears to God.
So POINT 1: submit that fear to God in prayer immediately! As soon as it pops into your mind! Do not dwell on it or try to fix it – submit it in prayer!
POINT 2: we need to replace that fear with the Word of God. Scripture is a powerful weapon against fear. If we are going with the weed analogy that fear is a weed planted in your mind, then Scripture is Round-up. Round-up kills weeds. (Bring bottle of Round-up and hold up at this time.) So I suggest finding verses that apply to your situation and praying those verses either silently or out loud.
But guess what? This jug of Round-up says “More than one application may be necessary” so what do I do? I spray more Round-up on the weed to kill it. Practically, this may mean memorizing that Bible verse and meditating on the verse.
But what this does is twofold. First, by using Scripture you are shifting the focus from fear to God. The Bible keeps the fear from growing. You don’t want to dwell on the fear and you want to cut it off at its initial sprout in your mind. Secondly, you are unleashing a supernatural force that is the Word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16: says that All Scripture is God-breathed. There is power in God’s Word.
I am not advocating a “name it and claim it” theology. Just because you found a verse that applies to your situation, it does not mean that for the rest of your life, you will be happy and fine. Bad things happen. But if you are daily submitting control to God and relying on His Word to bring you peace, you will be well equipped to handle the challenges that may lie ahead.
Today in our horseshoes, in this handout is a list of fears and I want us to find verses that apply to these fears. Each horseshoe will get a couple of these fears and then you will share with the class what you have found. Then, this list can serve as a resource when you need to kill a weed.
Before we move into prayer request time in our horseshoes, in the middle of the cross at the bottom of the page, I would like for you to think for a few minutes about the thing that you fear or worry about the most. Then, write it down in the middle of the cross. This is a symbolic act of you turning that fear or worry over to God and then when you go home, I want you to really pray about this fear and find a Scripture that speaks to you and write it down on the line above the cross.
So my two take away points is:
First, you submit the fear to God in prayer immediately, then you use Scripture to shift your focus from the fear to God and you kill that weed called fear.
Let’s end in prayer: Lord, God, give us the strength this week to face our fears. I pray that we would turn them over to you before they can become a stronghold in our lives. I pray that you would help each of us to find verses that would see us through our fear or worry. Lord, thank you that Your Word is alive and active and I pray that this week we would use it conquer the fears and worries in our lives. You are good and wise and we love you. Amen.
Posted by Julie at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Date Night
THE DATE NIGHT Extravaganza: DH and I have a date night once a week, most every week. We go out for dinner and then to movies mid-week. It is a lot of fun and actually pretty cheap. We have seen a ton of movies, some good, some not so good. One of my summer favorites has been "Ironman."
This week we went with friends from church: Dan and Tovah and Scott and Stephanie. We went to watch "Wanted." Talk about an action flick!! I will warn you that there was a LOT of profanity; it was rated R. And the violence, well it was violent. Very violent. Lots of blood. Very reminiscent of Kill Bill. You see a lot of blood flying around in slow motion. So if you can handle all of that, I think you would like it.
The plot was pretty interesting, and the action was intense. I liked Angelina Jolie Pitt in it as well as the young man playing the main character. He also played the doctor in "The Last King of Scotland" movie. The summary of the movie is about a young man trying to find his way in life. He hates his current dead end job and feels like he is missing out on his destiny. Then a group of assassins tell him that he is one of them because his father was an assassin and that his panic attacks are really his ability to curve bullets. It's an entertaining movie if you can stand the violent violence.
If you are in the middle of trying to figure out your life, don't join a group of assassins. I think praying for guidance would be more effective .....unless one of your parents was an assassin, then it could be for you.
Posted by Julie at 6:22 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Update on cookie recipe
I made the cookies and they tasted great but they spread out quite a bit during baking. I am not sure what I did wrong because Stephanie's cookies were not flat but very pretty.
They tasted really good, though!
Posted by Julie at 6:19 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Verse of the Day
2 Thessalonians 3:3
from Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.”
Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.
I love this verse, and I love God's timing! Lord, thank you for your strength and protection. You are so good, and I praise You for Your faithfulness.
For the first two weeks of the Wednesday night Bible study that I am facilitating, crazy things would always happen on Tuesday. So crazy that the Bible study couldn't be held at my house but had to be moved elsewhere. It was frustrating and a little stressful, but nothing that God could not overcome!! We finally had it at my house last week. So today is Tuesday, the day before Bible study. Thank you, Lord, for Your strength for today and your protection over me, DH, and our home.
Posted by Julie at 5:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Servant Leadership in the Workplace
I have been so blessed this week because God has been teaching me new things through my Bible study, friends, and Sunday school class. I'll share about today's lesson from Sunday School, which was taught by the Grays.
It was about servant leadership and the verse we ended on was Luke 22:27. Here Jesus is speaking to His disciples at the Last Supper:
"For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves."
This is a great example of how we are to lead -- by serving. This message comes at perfect time because I am starting a new job tomorrow and I feel like God is telling that I need to be focused on serving. I can be billing a lot of hours but it does no good to the Kingdom unless I am intentionally serving the clients that come in.
So it is nice to go into work with my focus in the proper place. I hope it can stay that way!
Lord, help me to serve others like You did and still do. Give me a heart to serve. Help me to be patient, kind, and encouraging. Help me to do my very best while serving them. Keep my focus on You and Your Kingdom. Be glorified, Lord. Be glorified. Thank you for your unfailing love and continual reaching out to me. Amen.
Posted by Julie at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Managing your time effectively
I just had a wonderful visit with Jaime, who goes to my Sunday school class. She has three young children and works in accounting. I had heard through the grapevine that Jaime is an excellent manager of her time and very organized. Since I start my new job on Monday, I asked for her help. Here are some nuggets of wisdom I came away with:
1. Don't be a slave to your email's inbox. Set aside time to deal with email but don't let it dictate your day's "to do list." I thought this was especially helpful because I am addicted to email and check my personal email constantly. DH (dear husband) says I have an email monkey on my back.
2. Schedule the important things. For me, this means my quiet time in the morning and my new found respect for exercise. The QT will be easier than the exercise. I don't know if I can squeeze in exercise time in the morning as well.
3. Don't be afraid to work hard. I liked this one, and I needed to hear it. Thank you, Jaime.
OK, all you hard working people out there! What is your advice on managing your work day efficiently? At my new job, I will have billable hours so I need to be really productive and efficient with my time to meet my goals. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
Posted by Julie at 12:54 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies and they taste good!
This amazingly tasty cookie is from my friend, Stephanie. She is a Mary Kay representative if you need anything!
Stephanie made these cookies for Bible study, and everyone loved them!! They are pretty healthy and taste great. Everyone wanted the recipe so I thought I would share them with you! She got it from the Real Age website and modified it a little.
I'd love your healthy recipes! Post a link to your blog in the comments section if you want to share.
3/4 cup rolled oats
1 cup whole-wheat flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup canola oil
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup chocolate chips
-preheat oven to 350. Coat 2 baking sheets with cooking spray (if needed)
-grind oats in blender or food processor. Transfer to a medium bowl and stir in flour, baking soda, and salt.
-beat butter in a large bowl with an electric mixer until fluffy. Add oil, granulated sugar, brown sugar, egg, and vanilla - beat until smooth and creamy.
- slowly add dry ingredients to mixture, beating on low until just combined. Stir in chocolate chips.
- teaspoon dough onto prepared baking sheet, about an inch apart from each other. Bake until firm around edges and golden on top about 15 minutes (my oven cooks them perfectly in 11-12 minutes so this time may vary!) Cool for 2 minutes on baking sheet before transferring to wire rack to cool completely.
If you want to know the nutrition information:
PER COOKIE there are 99 calories, 12g carbs, 5g fat (2g saturated, 2g monounsaturated), 1g protein, 11g cholesterol, 1g dietary fiber, 55mg potassium, 64g sodium - better than regular chocolate chip cookies and just as yummy! :)
For other EatingWell recipes check out
Posted by Julie at 10:02 AM 1 comments
Menu Planning for the Week of June 23
Since I am starting a new job, I thought it would be a good idea to plan a menu for the week so that I can manage my time better and eat healthier. I have never been a healthy eater. I always ate to not be hungry since I have a fast metabolism and get hungry every 2-3 hours. So, I would end up eating a lot of junk food because it was fast and easy. Frozen pizzas, candy bars, cookies, Coke.
So I am turning a new leaf and trying to eat healthier and exercise more. I would love to hear how you are trying to be healthy and what works for you!
I am trying to cut out white flour, caffeine, and high fructose corn syrup from my diet and drinks lots of water. DH will also help with the cooking. (Thank you, DH - I appreciate you!!!)
For more weekly menus, check out this website. She hosts the weekly menu organizing and has many other helpful tips. My menu for next week:
Monday, June 23:
Breakfast - whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, yogurt with granola
Snacks - Triscuits with cheese, peanuts, ripe peach
Lunch - Penne a la Betsy from my MOST favorite cooking blog ever, and a piece of fruit
Dinner - lunch leftovers
Tuesday, June 24:
Breakfast - Thomas Whole Grain English muffin with Polaner strawberry jam, banana
Snacks - Baby carrots and Athenos Roasted Red Pepper humus, whole wheat pretzels, ripe peach
Lunch - Lemon Herb Chicken Ring, healthy chocolate chip cookies
Dinner - Eating out
Wednesday, June 25:
Breakfast - whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, banana
Snacks - Triscuits with Laughing Cow spreadable cheese, nectarine
Lunch - Penne a la Betsy, cranberries
Dinner - DH cooks (wahoo!), Lemon pepper pork chops with linguine
Thursday, June 26:
Breakfast - whole wheat bagel with natural peanut butter, peach yogurt with granola
Snacks - Kashi TLC 7 grain crackers and Athenos Roasted Red Pepper humus, peanuts, ripe peach
Lunch - Grilled chicken breast with naan (an Indian bread), fruit
Dinner - Left over pork chops
Friday, June 27:
Breakfast - whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, peach yogurt with granola
Snacks - Triscuits with hummus, peanuts, nectarine
Lunch - Grilled chicken breast with naan (an Indian bread), fruit, cookie
Dinner - Eating out!
What is your favorite healthy snack food? Any suggestions on what is healthy and filling? Please share because I would love new ideas!!
Posted by Julie at 9:00 AM 2 comments
The Hulk
Movie Spoiler Alert!
We went to watch the Hulk. It was pretty good. I had low expectations going in but was pleasantly surprised. Edward Norton did an excellent job. DH loved the action. I enjoyed when Norton turned into the Hulk. He spent the whole movie trying to not become the Hulk. Then, he ended up having to fight a bad Hulk.
My favorite movie of the summer is still Ironman, who made an appearance at the end of the movie. DH says they are prepping for an Avengers movie.
Posted by Julie at 6:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
HE Challenge Dinner
Last night I had dinner with four great gals from church. We were meeting to discuss how the Husband Encouragement Challenge was going. We are about two weeks in and it is the midpoint.
It was great to hear how doing the challenge helped some to improve their marriages and we were able to encourage others. The dinner was a lot of fun and provdided great support. I got some good advice!
I would highly recommend that women do this challenge with some other friends. I think about two people read this blog but if you do, what do you do to encourage your spouse? I would love some new ideas!
Posted by Julie at 6:19 AM 1 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Worship Song Video of the Week
This song is "Before the Throne" sung by Selah. This is an oldie but a goodie. It really spoke to me and I hope you enjoy it!
Posted by Julie at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Weekend Fun!
I apologize the long interlude in between posts. I really wanted to be one of those people who blogs like twice a day but I can't. I don't have it in me. I tried. I really did.
So, this weekend we did what all good Dallas folks do on the weekends - SHOP! We hit some of the largest malls in the area - North Park and the Shops at Willow Bend. We also went to Ikea and two Half Price Book Stores. There is a HUGE HPBS near North Park. We go to HPBS so much we had to shorten the name. We will also go to another HPBS tomorrow. We love books!!!
Books we bought this weekend:
Life Management for Busy Women by Elizabeth George
A Woman's High Calling by Elizabeth George
Beautiful in God's Eyes by Elizabeth George
Fugitive from the Cubicle Police by Scott Adams
A Low Carb Cookbook
Russian Grammar (for after he finishes learning NT Greek)
Nibelungenlied by Unknown
The Aeneid by Virgil
The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer
Lysistrata and Other Plays by Aristophanes
Three Play of Euripides by Euripides
The Oedipus Plays of Sophocles by Sophocles
The Oresteian Trilogy by Aeschylus
To top it all off, my brother fixed us an awesome meal! He is a terrific cook, and we highly enjoyed his cuisine. Thanks, little brother!
Posted by Julie at 8:51 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
What a crazy weekend! It's been busy but good. Church was really good today. We had a great review of Financial Peace University in Sunday school. At church, Andy preached a message about the tax collector, Matthew. He was known as Levi before he decided to follow Jesus. The message was basically about how anyone can find and know Jesus - no matter what stage they are in their lives.
Posted by Julie at 9:46 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Light Oat Bread - Yum!
I like this recipe because I can use my bread machine, and it only requires all purpose flour, instead of bread flour. It turned out really well. The inside was light and fluffy and actually tasted good. The only downside was that it required more flour than the recipe called for. The dough still looked wet at the beginning of the kneading so I slowly added one cup of flour.
I am not an expert bread baker. But I'm trying to get there. Do you have a bread recipe that works for you? I'd love to read about it!
1 1/4 cups water
2 tablespoons margarine
1 teaspoon salt
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup rolled oats
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
Add ingredients to bread machine pan in order recommended by your manufacturer. Use regular light setting.
Posted by Julie at 12:45 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
30 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge - Day 1 and part of Day 2
Yes, it's another challenge. :)
I am doing this challenge with a group of ladies from Sunday School. The goal is to encourage our husbands for the next 30 days and not say anything negative to them. Here's the link to the pdf guide:
I have done this challenge before and it was really helpful. I am quick to say whatever pops in my head and that is not always the best thing! This challenge has helped me to be much more mindful of my words to DH and it has lessened conflict quite a bit. Isn't amazing how much easier conflicts can be resolved without negative mudslinging? I learned that we can still have a disagreement and get it resolved without World War III happening.
The last time I did this challenge it was during the month of the bar exam. I knew that I would be stressed and if I didn't take extra measures, I would take my stress out on DH. It was hard but it really did help. I remember CLEARLY messing up on the first day. Since I try to journal on a daily basis, I would keep a record of whether I said anything negative or not. And the first day had a big X. The following days got better.
I prayed each morning that the Holy Spirit would guide my heart and words and to my surprise - He did!! I finally began to gain some control over my tongue by doing this challenge. I have heard that it takes 30 days to start a new habit or a break a bad one. I hope this challenge blesses you as much as it did me!
So yesterday was Day 1. I think I did OK. It wasn't my best day but I did not say anything overtly negative but I didn't have the best of attitudes towards DH.
As for Day 2, I did start off with encouraging words as he headed to work. So far, so good! :)
I’ll keep you updated, and thanks for the bloggy accountability. If you are doing this challenge, I'd love to hear how it's going! Feel free to leave a comment!
Posted by Julie at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Husband Encouragement Challenge
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Ragamuffin Top Challenge - Getting into shape!
So.....onto the challenge!
And I am very pleased to announce that I actually completed half a mile this evening! (Insert the sound of applause!) I am so an anti-runner/work out person. I never thought I had it in me; I am pretty puny. But for the last couple of weeks, I have gotten more serious about exercising. I have a dear friend who has been so encouraging. We walk together, and she is in terrific shape. She has made me walk further than I ever would have voluntarily and pushed me to try harder in a very encouraging and kind manner. Thank you, Donna! So I really do owe tonight's outstanding feat to her!
I am so serious about this exercise thing. I even bought a good pair of running shoes - Asics GT 2130. (but I had a kick-butt coupon during the Memorial Day sale, so it was OK.) These are the feet and shoes that carried me across the finish line tonight:

Thank you, Lord!!!
Posted by Julie at 10:00 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
5 Year Anniversary Celebration

Then, we went shopping!! I got some new clothes.

DH got books from

We had dinner at
and then watched

It was a full day and a wonderful anniversary!!
Posted by Julie at 1:22 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Why I started blogging...
How can you not start blogging after seeing a real live dirty hairy buffalo!
This is newsworthy, folks! You must see this buffalo. Unfortunately, I got a little too close to the buffalo. He was probably less than two feet away and we were in our car making a turn when we passed by. I told Ben to stop so I could take this picture. As I rolled down the window, I realized how close we were and I start shrieking "DRIVE, DRIVE!"
We were a little too close for comfort. Especially, after seeing signs like this posted everywhere.

Posted by Julie at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Vacations